Friday, January 14, 2011

Cafferty Doesn't Seem to Mind Libs Using "Blood Libel," But Not Palin

So Sarah Palin shot back at the lefty media for attacking her and disgustingly saying that she was the cause for the shooting in Tucson, Arizona. Apparently, she's not even allowed to do that. The left is all of a sudden in a tizzy because she used the term, "blood libel," that historically alludes to anti-Semitic myths about how Jews killed Christian children and then used their blood in religious rituals. By the way, ultra-hypocrite, Keith Olberloon bashed Palin for the timing of her remarks the day after attacking her silence on the shootings.

CNN's Jack Cafferty, on The Situation Room, went back to his Palin Derangement Syndrome when he admonished the former Alaska governor for using the "controversial" term.
"...But then she spoke, and it was just awful, defiant [and] inflammatory. Palin invoked the historically painful term, 'blood libel,' in attacking the media. This is a phrase used hundreds of years ago to describe anti-Semitic myths about how Jews killed children and then used their blood in religious ritual. NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell suggested the use of the phrase 'blood libel' was 'ignorant.' It was. A CBS analysis suggested Sarah Palin played 'the victim card.' She did. And ABC said Palin- quote, 'once again, has found a way to become part of the story,' unquote- true."

There it is again, right? Only conservatives can be "controversial."
Only Cafferty didn't bring up the fact, nor does he seem to mind that other anchors and/or journalists and Democrats have used the term in the past with no admonishment of any kind from the liberal media, of course.

On a different note, but same topic, Tucson sheriff and new darling of the media, Clarence Dupnik had numerous chances to arrest Jared Loughner for death threats against people years before the Tucson tragedy. Including threats against Congresswoman Giffords, yet failed to act. My question is, why isn't the media on him for this. Forget the fact for a moment that his actions (or lack thereof) indirectly caused the deaths of people, but the same media that has turned mute on this fact was a little more concerned about "warnings" when Bush supposedly knew about "future attacks on America" by al Queda. Liberal hypocrisy strikes again.
Just sayin'.


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