Thursday, January 13, 2011

The President's Post Tucson Shooting Address

It took four days (some would say too long like others blamed a certain ex-president for doing) for him to officially react, but President Obama adressed the nation in a speech about not blaming any particular person, party, ideology or that there is no evidence whatsoever that the shooter, Jared Loughner was influenced by anything or anybody other than his own schizophrenia.

A very good speech by the President. In my opinion, probably the best speech he has given since becoming president, being that it was non-partisan and it doesn't appear, at first reading of the transcript, that he is using it for political gain. Although it might, but not what you'd expect. Out of this, he might get new-found respect from the right; if only for a limited time. I at least thought, for once, he sounded very presidential.

Sarah Palin had her own address concerning the disgusting implication by the lefty media on her being accessery to murder:

Apparently the left feels (according to the comments left on YouTube) she doesn't have the right to defend herself. They defend child rapists, drug runners and cop killers at every opportunity, but she can't have that right. How can anyone in their right mind say the left is tolerent?


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