Monday, January 10, 2011

Reuters Recycles Long-Disproven Myths

In light of Saturday's shooting in a Tucson, Arizona mall which left Arizona Congrsswoman, Gabrielle Giffords in a coma after a gunman shot her in the back of the head, the news wire service, Reuters took the opportunity to pile on the blame of conservatives "hate speech" with discredited assumptions and long-disproven myths.

Of course, as NewsBusters Tom Blumer points out,
"I guess Cowan doesn't realize that 1) probably the best-known Obama-Hitler mustache poster carrier was Rachel Brown, a Lyndon LaRouche supporter who confronted Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank at a town hall meeting and challenged him in the Democratic (that's right, Democratic) primary last year. Cowan also seems to have "forgotten" how a different Democratic Congresswoman's supporters "participated in a Palin-as-Hitler rally" in September 2010. How convenient.
(2) Cowan is referring to a Sharron Angle statement last year. Here's what I wrote in the fall, after AP reporter Calvin Woodward
erroneously described what Angle said as a "call to arms."

Par for the course for Reuters.


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