Thursday, January 06, 2011

Boehner Takes Gavel as New House Speaker

John Boehner, the Republican representative from Ohio and former House Minority leader was given the House gavel by former Speaker Nancy Pelosi as he officially became the Speaker of the House for the 112th Congress of the United States.

There was no fanfare or fawning from the media as there was for Pelosi when she became the first female House speaker in U.S. history, and Boehner himself probably wouldn't have approved of it anyways, given his humble words of his first speech as Speaker.
He was emotional as he spoke to the chamber, something that has become a target for the left and bias members of the media who wish to tag him with being something less than manly since they have no scandals or anything to pin on him. They talk about post-partisanship, but you can be guarenteed if he was a Democrat, the press would be writing about how human he is and is not a typical cold and calculating politician.
As for Pelosi re-gaining the gavel this time around (when the Republicans now have a majority-how she thought she had a chance is beyond me) even a handful of Democrats didn't want to a chance with her again.


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