Tuesday, January 04, 2011

The Liberal Obsession

William A. Jacobson, Associate Clinical Professor, Cornell Law School has a great little blog entitled, Le-gal In-sur-rection. He has invaluable defenses againdt the countless Sarah Palin lies and distortions. Take a look.

It's amazing to me how seemingly bright people can be taken in and believe the utter misrepresentations and all out, bold-faced lies of the left and the media. The former could somewhat be excused for their collective stupidity and ignorance, but the latter, the media are always insuating about brilliant they are, how they know soooooo much more than you and I. They would have you believe that only they can form a cognizant or independent thought. And that above all, they're smarter than you because some of them went to "prestigious" universities and journalism schools. One in particualr went to an agricultural school, so clearly he has a handle on the American politic and is not shy about letting you know; He's better than you.

Anyways, be sure to check out all the links in the above on provided.


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