Monday, January 10, 2011

In the Absence of Motive

Since there still is no official word on the motive behind the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords by 22-year-old college drop-out, Jared Loughner, the left-wing media typically rolled out there most outrageous theories and blame-game of the right, especially the old discredited and unproven rhetoric about the "hateful" and "violent" Tea Party, without a shred of proof to back up their claims.

To read these ridiculous and ultimately illogical rants of hatred and ignorance towards conservatives and the lack of mention of evidence that Loughner is an apparent liberal, click here, here, here, here and here...for starters.

Round and round we go. And these are just for starters. Morons like Olbermann and Matthews refuse to even entertain the thought that all their contempt for conservatives and Republicans just may contribute to the thought process and anger of people like Loughner. Aren't they the ones continually screaming that the right must be stopped? Aren't they continually calling for the heads of conservatives? Not in their world. Even if that world has their undeniable hateful words and unintelligible screeds on video and YouTube.


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