Tuesday, January 25, 2011

An Homage to Reagan

Despite what President Obama thought of the policies (as he himself says in this article) of President Ronald Reagan, he knows, as everyone should, that Reagan was a real leader, a man of unshakable faith, family, confidence, truth and fortitude. And above all else the man was a patriot.

The man made Americans proud to be American. Nobody cared about the deficit, because in the "Me decade" that was known as the 80s, most people were working and content with their life in the land of the free. Nobody seems to care about the deficit when your children are fed and clothed. There seemed to be more flags flying high when Reagan was president. There was more cause to be proud. Everything from respect abroad to economic booms to the fall of Communism, Reagan was mostly responsible.

Kudos to President Obama for this article.


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