Monday, February 21, 2011

Al Gore Busted, So He Blames the Right

Al "The Savior" Gore aka "The Goracle" for his innate ability to not only see 50 years into the future, but to see through your very soul, knows when your being good and lining his pockets from sales of "carbon footprint" reduction doohickeys and when your being bad when you dare to question his bogus "science" and fraud thrust upon the world.

Since the whole "Climategate" broke and he and his band of merry fraudsters have been exposed as the money-grubbing, nightmare-inducing opportunists that they are, Gore has been running around like a chicken with its head trying to find someone to blame for his chicanery.

So who, according to Gore is to blame? Why who else? FOX News, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the right for exposing this fake, of course. He doesn't dare go after the thousands of scientists (that according to him and his enablers in the mainstream media, simply don't exist) who say his science is flawed to say the least, because he can't hang with them intellectually. I mean he can't even answer a straight question about the cost of some of his initiatives when facing committees questioning his intentions without trying to change the question or get on his soapbox. All this, of course, after we discover his vast, personal carbon footprint and total disregard for the environment and endangered species.

Somebody smack this guy.

UPDATE: It looks like someone already has. Gore tried to sound like a scientist again (presumably taking a couple of days to get his words just right as to sound smart, like it just rolled off of his tongue) by saying once again how "warming means cooling," and that a natural element on the planet-CO2 (that life on the planet would not survive without) is somehow destroying the planet anyway. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration would have none of it. They also said that man is is no way to blame for "another wintry winter for the Eastern U.S."

Ok, somebody get the other cheek.
Oh, and you can add "Neanderthal" John Kerry to the vast list of the intolerant elitists.


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