Sunday, February 27, 2011

Civility is as Civility Does

Clearly not as Mike Malloy does.

Do you want to know, I mean really know what going off the deep end is? See this guy...

You see, Mike Malloy is the epitome of liberal logic and "common sense." He may even be ground zero for Bush Derangement Syndrome (and clearly a carrier of Palin Derangement Syndrome) I've posted about his insane rants before (as a typical lefty monbat, he puts everyone right of himself-which is to say the majority of sane human beings-in tailor-suited SS uniforms. And I mean everyone) and he is obviously in dire need of strong medication. So when he predictably called Roger Ailes a "lard-ass bastard" and FOX News an "anti -American terrorist broadcast organization," he was playing the typical liberal "everyone not a liberal is an evil, anti-American Nazi" angle. And apparently Ailes himself is not only a harbringer of evil, but he "commanded" Judith Regan to do the Democrat thing and lie to federal investigators.

Oh, and, surprise! Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck are demons of some sort and of course the liberal irony spews forth as he labels devout Christian and abortion-advocate, Senator Mark Christiansen a "liar and a coward!" Someone who is for the slaughter and genocide of billions of unborn children is calling someone trying to save those lives in the name of everthing good and holy a coward. Yes, I too taste the rancid irony there.

What was it exctly that got Don Imus suspended from the air again?


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