Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is the State of "Journalism"

We all know the opinions of left-wing journalists in the West. That in and of itself is an abomination to true journalism. Do not put yourself into the story. That's journalism 101 folks. Apparently folks like Irish "reporter," David Cronin wasn't in class that day. Nevermind his total ignorance of real history and that there is and never really was a "Palestine," other than what the Romans gave to the name of a province under their rule of Judea. I won't repeat the ignored real history of Israel being a Jewish state a full 800 years before the people of Syria and Jordan, who the left likes to try and maintain as "Palestinians" and the rightful occupants of Israel today; set foot in the region. But people like Cronin, Jimmy Carter, the MSM and hippy university professors prescribe to the Hitler doctrine: The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.

Of course, Cronin "explains" his "reasons" for embarrassing himself, his profession and his country:

You did see the graphic in this second video, right? "Author, journalist, activist." One or the other, folks. One or the other. Apparently other media outlets have no problem with the new activist/journalist mandate. Pathetic.


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