Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Matthews Visibly Upset that People Still Love Reagan

This guy is clearly an unprofessional, whiny, bias, loser and a half. I think Tingles is the one with the bad memory, considering how proud Americans were of their country during the Reagan administration.
"Keep in mind, these are not historian rankings. These are people's. By the way, they should insist before anybody participates in one of these ridiculous polls, "Please list the presidents and then pick the best." Don't just go with the ones you can remember. It's like the greatest movie of all times was the one I just went to."
That's how he rationalizes this. To say the people's opinion, the opinion that matters the most, don't matter, because they're not historians. That is to say they're not liberal historians that would re-write history to something that Matthews could be proud of. I also find it interesting, as Sheppard did, that Matthews didn't mind Obama being on the list, even though historically, he's only been president for two years and has one of the worst records in that time.
You know he wouldn't be mentioning anything about people's choice versus historian's choice if Obama or Kennedy ended up in the #1 slot. Pathetic isn't it?
With that said, it seems to me that little Chrissy Matthews isn't upset that people don't possess the memory, but exactly the opposite, they remember all too well and are hoping for another Reagan to come along and save the nation from people like Matthews and his minions.


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