Tuesday, March 01, 2011

March for Freedom Ignored?

During the recent protests in the Middle East, with the majority of protesters seemingly demanding democracy, the liberal media have taken upon themselves to credit Barack Obama with inspiring the people of Arab dictatorships to take to the streets and demand their freedom. Putting aside the actual outcomes, or if any politicians words or actions are indeed responsible for anything that has or will transpire in these countries, why has the MSM not given any credit (or for that matter blame) to George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan for their inspiring speeches on freedom?

I refer to American Spectator's Paul Kengor, who has an interesting article to say the least on what those Republican presidents had to say on the matter and why, if only to blame these men should it turn dark in these regions; which the left is sure to do-forgoing all they have put Obama on a phantom pedestal for-haven't these men's words been examined?


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