Monday, February 28, 2011

Hypocrisy and Violence? Thy Name is Left

By now you may know the name Brandon Darby. He is a former far-left activist and loon who has taken a right turn and seen the error of his loony left ways. Because of his political redemption, he is now public enemy #1 in the eyes of the left. Why? Well besides turning into somewhat of a "moderate," he has exposed the lefts violent nature and win-at-all-costs mindset. We're not talking about winning the SuperBowl or World Series here, we're talking about the actual advocating of murder in the name of activism and political expedience.

His back-story and reasons why the Traitor Times, along with lefty blogs such as Crooks & Liars (apropo) have anointed him a "traitor," "rat" and "fink" all for not wanting to go along with plans by Hugo Chavez to perform terrorist acts after Hurricane Katrina or to bomb the 2008 GOP convention. Remember folks, these plans and dreams were from the leftist mindset. He wasn't exactly a member or advocate of the Tea Party.

An interesting read to be sure. And an even farther delving into the twisted minds that make up the left, all the while trying to get you to believe they are the tolerant, non-violent party of the people.


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