Monday, February 28, 2011

Like Jimmy Carter and Iran, the MSM Really Doesn't Get the Whole Muslim Brotherhood Deal

They won't answer any questions about the peace treaty with Israel. They condone, wait for it, not "terrorism," but "resistance" when it comes to the "Palestinians" (what "Palestine" has to do with Egypt, I don't know-other than they all want Israel eradicated)
The media simply refuses to tell the truth about "these 'nice' people that will give you money for the bus or help you up if you fall down." They willfully ignore the Muslim history with Nazi Germany among other atrocities and they MSM meme about "well look what the Christians did during the Crusades" (which, anybody that cares to research knows was in retaliation to the unprovoked attack on Jerusalem-which was over 1500 years ago-how much has the global Muslim jihad against Jews and Christians changed?)

"[The Arab and Muslim regimes] have forgotten, or are pretending to have forgotten, that the real enemy lying in wait for them is the Zionist entity. They are aiming their weapons against their own peoples, while avoiding any confrontation with these Zionists and achieving neither unity nor revival for their nations. Moreover, they are disregarding Allah's commandment to wage jihad for His sake with [their] money and [their] lives, so that Allah's word will reign supreme and the infidels' word will be inferior...
"Today the Muslims desperately need a mentality of honor and means of power [that will enable them] to confront global Zionism. [This movement] knows nothing but the language of force, so [the Muslims] must meet iron with iron, and winds with [even more powerful] storms. They crucially need to understand that the improvement and change that the [Muslim] nation seeks can only be attained through jihad and sacrifice and by raising a jihadi generation that pursues death just as the enemies pursue life."

Ask Col. Allen West about the Muslim intentions on the West. They don't hide it. The cowardly and enabling left refuses to look. They see it. They just refuse to acknowledge it. West is the only member of Congress that has the cahonies to say anything and, rightfully, is not apologetic about it. This man needs to be president!

In another story that illustrates the point of ignorance towards Muslim violence:
NPR Insists Buffalo Wife's Beheading by Muslim Outreach TV Founder Has No Islamic Overtones You see, it was a simple "domestic dispute."

I would say here endeth the lesson, yet I somehow doubt, the left and any other radical Muslim appeasers have or will learn anything about this clear and present danger.


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