Monday, March 28, 2011

No Rights for Pro-Lifers, Tea Party

So says New Jersey Democrat Senator, Frank Lautenburg at a recent Planned Parenthood rally:
"Those who don't respect the rights of women [to have abortions] don't earn the freedoms that are guaranteed in the Constitution."

And about the Tea Party...
"They don't deserve the freedoms that are in the Constitution. But we'll give them to them anyway."

So illegal immigrants, terrorists and abortion supporters deserve rights, but not those trying to save killing children in the womb or those who are against big government. Freedom, rights, liberty and justice for all...for the left only.


A great comment left on the end of this post at Moonbattery.

"Here's my right-winger's challenge to the left: No podiums. No talk. No euphemisms. I'll go watch a murderer be put to death, and you go watch a partial birth abortion being performed. Deal?"


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