Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Press, Obama, Libya and Bush

I know that many of you are sick of hearing me blame the MSM for all the right's misfortunes (like a certain comment left on here, about a different post) and the fact that they collectively appease and apologize for President Obama and any Democrat, but that's what they do. It's a fact and everybody knows it. You can deny it and complain about me writing about it, but it's true. And you know it's true. But I've pretty much said it time and time again and even I'm getting tired of talking about it. That's not to say I won't continue, but for now, I'll let Brent Bozell carry on with the media's love affair with everything Obama (especially his flip-flops and his cognizent lies) and hatred for everything Bush. You know the guy that's been out of office for two years already?


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