Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Think This May Make It Official

Say what you will, but what kind of United States president (even if he is a Muslim) doesn't recognize the 70-80 percent of Christians in "his" country? He claims to be a Christian. He claims to go to church (only twice publicly, I believe-of course he also claimed to not have heard the racist, anti-American slurs by Jeremiah Wright either)
He just doesn't care.

As the story says, Obama has commemorated every Muslim holiday since he took office. But he can't even be bothered (and believe me, it's a bother for him) to acknowledge one of the preeminent religious days for most of his own people. Not Good Friday. Not Easter. Not even a hint. That's probably because Christian Americans aren't his people. The White House did however manage to find time to acknowledge the new Wicken holiday that is "Earth Day."
So maybe the so-called president (you know instead of Imam) is a Muslim. You actually need more proof?


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