Monday, April 11, 2011

Michael Yon Calls BULLSH*T on Rolling Stone

Ever since Michael Yon started writing about the Iraq War in defense of the soldiers when they were wrongly accused of atrocities and defended Bush when the truth was not making it's way out of Afghanistan (as well as telling certain truths the right didn't want to hear) I have been a fan of his columns. I haven't read his stuff for a while now. Probably due to the fact that the Iraq War was winding down and there "apparently" has been no bad news to report since Obama took the White House.

He has told us about the real results of the "surge" by Bush. He told us things both the right and left wanted to hear and as I said, didn't want to hear. In short, he has done the media's job for them without bowing down to bias or agenda. This time he takes on the disgusting, biased and amazingly ignorant people at Rolling Stone magazine. I've never been a fan of Rolling Stone (editor, Jan Wenner's dislike of my favourite band, KISS and along with more than a few on his staff, keeping them out of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame-but that's a whole other story) with their adamant and obvious hatred and vitriol for all things conservative. Their pure unadulterated lies about Sarah Palin have been especially disgusting.

Yon this time takes them to task for their brazen inaccuracies about the Afghanistan "kill team," and those soldiers that they try to associate with them.
To Wenner and his staff, all American soldiers are blood-thirsty baby killers.


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