Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another MSNBC Host Shows Why They Are Last in the Ratings

Among news and current affairs shows, MSNBC is more in the vein of The View than CNN. Hyperbole, assumption, vindictiveness, bias hatred and amateur "research" make up what is today's lefty "news" outlets.

After trying to use some poorly executed and obvious guilt by association on Andrew Breitbart in an attempt to paint him as a racist (surprise!) Mess host, Martin Bashir actually asked former Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo if he would have preferred President Obama's death over Osama bin Laden's. Seriously. He actually asked that question to an American politician.

Amazing. Feeling nauseous? Need to vomit to feel better and get some well-needed sleep? Forget about Ipecac, just watch some of this network. You'll be mopping it up in buckets.
Have you ever seen Monty Python's Meaning of Life? Then you'll know what I mean.


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