Monday, May 09, 2011

Rice Exposes O'Donnell as the Ignoramus that He Is

via Moonbattery.

When will these amateurs posing as "journalists" stop thinking they're more informed or smarter than the people that were actually involved with the decision-making and that actually were there. This also goes for FOX News anchors. Sean Hannity, I'm talking to you.

Newsbusters also has a take on this, with video and transcript...

I love it when a loony lib (especially a Messer) gets smacked down. They never learn do they? Especially putting a Phd (that actually had first-hand information and access) against a MSNBC socialist moonbat.

You'll clearly notice that at the end of the interview, O'Donnell had to have his big brother, Rachel come on and make him feel better about his ignorance and ineptitude. This is what passes for journalism on the left, folks. Get punked, have someone bring you a cookie and pat you on the head. "It's o.k, Lawrence. It's o.k."


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