Thursday, May 05, 2011

UN Rights Chief Seeks Details on Bin Laden Killing

Want to hear the biggest joke in the world? The brain trust at the Useless Nations now want an investigation into the bin Laden killing to see if it was "lawful." Did you get that? The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay wants Washington to explain whether U.S. forces lawfully killed Osama bin Laden.

Yeah, I know. The "man" who killed thousands of innocent men, women and children, be them American, Canadian, African, Japanese, Sudanese what have you, be them Christian or Muslim, these absolute loons want to know if the Americans acted lawfully? Who cares? I hope he suffered! I hope they mutilated his body! I wish they had thrown his body to pigs and gleefully watched them consume him!
Lawfully? Are you freaking kidding me? What an idiot!!


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