Wednesday, May 04, 2011

It's Started

We all knew this was coming. Too bad, so sad. He's dead. It's funny how he talks tough when he saw what happened to Osama. Maybe this loser will be taken out too. If they don't get it now, they never will. Freedom and liberty has won out again. It always has, it always will. bin Laden failed...miserably. With the uprising in the Middle East and the demand for freedom, if not democracy itself, it is clear that his message of a world caliphate and the dominance of Sharia Law the world over was ignored and as long as freedom-lovers stay true and as long as there are men that make up these special forces as well as men like Bush and Obama that will take it to them right where they live (literally) these maniacs who clearly do not represent any type of true Muslim will never see their twisted, evil dreams come to fruition.

By the way, did you catch what this psycho said? "We are a nation of billions, a good nation. We'll teach you about politics and military ways very soon, with god's help."

Yeah, those 7th Century catapults and archers will do some real damage, huh? And maybe he doesn't know it by now, but God doesn't seem to be on their side.


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