Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Obama Receives Bipartisan Standing Ovation from Congressional Leaders

As well he should on this day. He's "the man" of the hour and with this undoubtedly secure moment to seize political opportunity, President Barack Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden to a roaring standing ovation from both Democrats and Republicans. Despite all his failings, the president and his followers have the right to claim how brilliant and successful of a plan this was. Obviously the president didn't actually plan this other than to give the order that bin Laden was either caught or killed, but none of that matters as the most evil man of the late 20th century and early 21st century is no longer walking this Earth.

Well done, President Obama.

By the way, there was another person that normally would be shredding the actions of the president on almost any other day. This person is hated by the left and they think not one word of praise can escape his lips when it comes to any Democrat, much less a Democrat president. But that was proved wrong when conservative radio-host Rush Limbaugh lavished well-deserved praise on President Obama after the news of Osama bin Ladens long-awaited capture or death.
Surprised? Don't be. Like myself, I think any conservative, be it a independent or Republican will give credit where credit is due. Especially when the praise or credit is undeniable. When was the last time anybody on the left that hosts a television or radio show give any credit to George W. Bush for anything while in the White House or after his presidency was done? Other than a brief tip of the hat from of all people, Chris Matthews, who on the left swallowed their pride to simply tell it like it was?

Let's hope the humility rubs off on the left.


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