Thursday, May 05, 2011

Holder Unsure if Enhanced Interrogation Techniques Led to bin Laden's Death

This guy is the biggest joke and liar that the U.S. Attorney Generals Office ever had the displeasure of heading their department. It's not enough he thinks America is full of cowards, or that his racist tendencies protect Black Panther members from intimidation cases and that black on white crime is no big deal (if even a reality to him.)

Nope. Now he has to deceive the world once again by telling us he is "unsure" if enhanced interrogation techniques (or water boarding, let's call it what it is-or fine, even torture-I don't care what you do to these animals) led to the finding and killing of Osama bin Laden.

Yep. Obama, just magically discovered the location of bin Laden and said "Kill that." No help from the CIA based on months and years of evidence and testimony. No help from the Bush administration (and even Clinton for that matter) Holder just thinks Obama had some genie that let him know where bin Laden was. How opaquely pathetic.

However, one question comes to mind...
Why was the U.S. Attorney General answering questions about an incident that happened 2000 miles away from American soil?


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