Monday, May 16, 2011

Why That Dirty Little Terrorist

Apparently the thought of 72 virgins in the afterlife must not have been all that exciting for Osama bin Laden. Maybe he wanted some experience instead.
This is some funny stuff. I jokingly thought to myself when the news broke of the SEALS grabbing a plethora of disks, hard-drives and other highly-touted information from bin Laden's compound, I wonder if they'll find any porn? I never thought they actually thought they would ever find some.
I wonder how this will affect his "martyrdom?" Other than not believing it is not true and it's just CIA propaganda (which it just yet may be) how will this affect his followers belief system of him? Will all his strict obedience talk in the "ways of Islam" affect his image now that, allegedly, he's a pervert?

How perfect is this?


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