Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Joy Behar Defends Sarah Palin

Yep. You read that right. Believe it or not, the usually hateful, spiteful, ignorant Joy Behar actually defended Sarah Palin from Baba Wawa's ridiculous attack from an even more ridiculous analogy.

Maybe that poor delusional Harold Camping wasn't too far off when he said the Apocalypse was near.

In case you didn't read the transcript or couldn't hear the video, Behar actually said,
"Wait a minute. Let me defend Sarah. Let me defend Sarah.Let me defend Sarah for 30 seconds. The woman has no sex scandal in her dossier, in her arsenal. This is a completely different thing from Sarah Palin, and I want to defend her here."

Can you hear the Horsemen cometh?


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