Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tea Partier Heckles Obama

Let's talk about that civility thing Mr. President. No?

Man asks question, Obama denies any responsibilty whatsoever by denying the premise. The devil you say! That folks, is what is known as Liberal-speak.
What ever happened to that little quote he stole from Harry Truman (who, like Reagan and Lincoln and JFK and whatever other president that is viewed historically to be so darn popular-you can now add Martin Luther King, jr. to that list; who else?) that he's supposed to be carbon copies of) "the buck stops here?" Didn't he bring up that little aspect of the president's responsibilities? What? You mean he would actually have to implement that little gem that, like all his other "BEST SPEECH EVER" speeches, he isn't ready to be called on? Don't worry the press won't mention little things like his own words coming back to bite him in the backside.


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