Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thomas Sowell: A Pyrrhic 'Victory'

The cowardly Democrats and their media allies continue to blame the GOP for the country's financial woes. Blaming a party who had nothing to do with the over-spending by a Democrat-controlled Congress even before the Republicans could muster any sort of nation-saving fiscal plans of their own. The left continues to blame the right for something they barely had anything to do with. Yes, Bush spent a lot, but not without the Democrat-controlled Congress of six years consent. Moreover it was the Dems who vetoed Bush's regulations on the housing and financial markets. This is documented, established fact. No amount of white-washing and re-writing of history is going to change that. Thanks Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi and yes, Barack Obama!

Not one far-left loon and perennial Bush-hater will ever resign to that fact. So they will continue to stew in the left-wing gruel of hatred and lies from the likes of the Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddows, Howard Deans, Barney Franks, Andrea Mitchells, Ed Schultzs, Bill Presses, Paul Krugmans and the rest of the army of extreme left-wing media and "experts" that will bring America down to it's knees even further they way the want it to just for their political agendas and power. Their legacies may not be what they hope given the spectrum of history.

With that, I give you the always brilliant Thomas Sowell on his Grade A take on the Democrats and their "Pyrrhic Victory" concerning the debt ceiling.


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