Tuesday, September 27, 2011

McGinnis Email Proves Palin Book Full of Lies

Joe McGinnis, the author/stalker who moved in next to the Palin family in Wassila, Alaska sent an email to an anti-Palin blogger "asking for help" because McGinnis himself admitted "no one has ever offered documentation of any of the lurid stories about the Palins." Including a supposed affair Todd Palin had with "a woman charged with prostitution, who is no doubt desperate for money."
McGinnis himself states, "I’ve neither seen nor heard anything that indicates that Ms. Tripp’s story has any basis in fact."

But yet he decided to have a book published that he himself couldn't confirm any of the allegations other than unnamed "sources" and "a friend close to a friend."

McGinnis also himself pointed out in the email that:

No one has ever provided factual evidence that:
a) Todd had sex with a hooker, or with anyone else outside his marriage.
b) Sarah had an affair with Brad Hanson, or anyone else.
c) Track was a druggie who enlisted in the army to avoid a jail term. Or that he vandalized Wasilla school buses.
d) Willow was involved in the vandalism of the empty house in Meadow Lakes. Or that Sarah rushed back from Hawaii to put the lid on that.
e) Trig is not Sarah’s natural born child.
f) Bristol was promiscuous as a high schooler and drank and used drugs, or became pregnant again after Tripp’s birth.

The funny part is I have yet to hear any mainstream media outlet confirm the alleged sexual romp with former NBA star Glen Rice. McGinnis claims Rice has confirmed this allegation (nowhere else but in the book in question, of course) But no one, not even MSNBC is saturating the airwaves with this crap. I'm surprised at that. You'd figure they'd believe any lie about Palin and would be frothing at the mouth to sit this fraud down and spread his B.S.
If this is any indication, then we all know why the media will fawn all over it without any proof whatsoever, simply just to float the lie and hope it sticks. Very much like the false and increasingly repeated lie of racism about the Tea Party.

As for stalker McGinnis, it seems even the Palin-hating MSM who would normally jump all over this (and may still) knows that McGinnis is a hack.

Other relevations about McGinnis, his book of lies and his publishers at Random House:

Update - Read: Caught: Random House Published Palin Smears After Lawyers Allegedly Told McGinniss No Proof Existed
Update – Read: Random House on Sarah Palin’s Privacy: A Tale of Two Press Releases
Update – Read: Random House ‘Rogue’ Scandal Update: McGinniss Confirms, Griffin Fumes, ‘Hooker’ Responds
Update – Read: Random House Doubles Down, Defends Anti-Palin Literary Hoax; McGinniss Spins Emails of Omission
Update – Read: Source for McGinniss in Random House Literary Hoax Accuses Andrew Breitbart of ‘Hacking’ Email

And Sarah Palin herself is (and whole-heartedly should) threatening to sue.

How long before the Obamamedia totally ignores the implications of these and other, non-stop Palin lies?


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