Thursday, September 01, 2011

MSM Ignore Rep. Carson's Lynching Smear of Tea Party

Not surprising that the "Big 3" television news networks would ignore anything derogatory from the left about The Tea Party, but since it is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus using racist language and defaming the names of Tea Party members (once again with the made-up, racism charge no one in the MSM even remotely interested in calling Carson on his inflammatory remarks) the media in America chooses to act like it didn't happen. Because after all, if it's not reported then it didn't happen. Of course, even if it is reported by left-wing, biased "journalists," there's a good chance it didn't happen then either. Remember the bogus racist and homophobic calls supposedly directed toward Rep. John Lewis and Barney Frank for which Andrew Breitbart is still trying to find anyone who has documented proof in the form of video or audio with anyone saying any racist or homophobic slurs toward anyone else, let alone saying any type of slur 15 times!

This is why the left continues to use divisive, foul, hateful language against right-wing political groups and supporters. Because they can. Who's going to call them on it? Even so-called journalists that have "race-relations-based discussions" start with the premise that anyone associated with the Tea Party is racist. It's just a given to the MSM, because the Dems and libs say so. Nevermnd the fact that it's Democrats who started the whole "Obama/Joker=Socialist" posters and that the aforementioned John Lewis is a damn liar (ooh I called a black man a liar, now I'm racist I suppose. Oh wait. I already was) and Barney Frank is just a complete moron and incompetent ass (more so are the collective brain trusts in Massachusetts that keep voting this skid mark back into the House every election)

You want to know what real racism and incendiary rhetoric is? Check these...

New Black Panther Party Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz: “Prepare for War!” against “Tea Party” and “White Right”

Dear Maxine, Go Straight to Hell

Dem Rep. Frederica Wilson: “The Real Enemy is the Tea Party” [Video]

Obama: Tea Party Has Racially Biased “Subterranean Agenda”

Video: Black Tea Party Protesters Called ‘Sell-Out Negroes’ at NAACP Protest [Updated]

Portland: Leftists Taunt, Harass and Hurl Racial Insults at Black TEA Party Patriot [Video]

The Progressive Pot vs. Tea Party Kettle

SHOCK: MSNBC Admits Liberal Bias Against Tea Party [Video]

Reporters Attempt To Harass Black Tea Party Leaders

New Black Panther Leader King Samir Shabazz “You’re going to have to kill some crackers.
You’re going to have to kill their babies.” [Video & Transcript]

Video: Black Tea Party Protesters Called ‘Sell-Out Negroes’ at NAACP Protest [Updated]

U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Ashley Taylor: New Black Panthers Harassed Black Republican Too [Video]

New Black Panther King Shamir Shabazz: ‘Whites Use Black Babies as Alligator Bait’ [Video-Transcript]

New Black Panther Party Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz: “Prepare for War!” against “Tea Party” and “White Right”

Portland: Leftists Taunt, Harass and Hurl Racial Insults at Black TEA Party Patriot [Video]


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