Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Occupy Hippie Kills His Parents

A 15-year-old Occupy Oakland attendee has admitted to Oakland police to killing his parents. I guess the boy had listened a little too closely to Obama buddy and domestic terrorist (also a former professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago who loves to still indoctrinate young Americans with his anti-American rhetoric and violence is the answer theories) William Ayers who once wrote, "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents." One little tidbit about this story? "Colleagues of the couple said they had argued with their teenage son about how much time he was spending at the Occupy Oakland camp."

So yet another murderer that frequented the Occupy "rallies." Again, anyone know of any Tea Party attendees that have killed anyone? But remember, they're sooo similar. Even the current President of the United States has (sincerely at that) opined that the Tea Party and Occupy Whatever crowds are "Not that different." He's right of course, aside from the murders, rape, theft, drug use, vandalism, graffiti, garbage, assault on police officers and urination/defecation on private and public property.


Blogger Adrienne said...

This is so sad. I am so sad that these poor people had to die in this way. This is beyond horrible.

11:21 am  
Anonymous Kristen said...

Such a great article which professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago who loves to still indoctrinate young Americans with his anti-American rhetoric and violence is the answer theories William Ayers who once wrote, Kill all the rich people. In which the the current President of the United States has sincerely at that opined that the Tea Party and Occupy Whatever crowds are Not that different. Thanks for sharing this article.

11:46 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Your welcome Kristen. As anyone who reads my posts with any regularity (if there is such a person, besides the always wonderful and complimentary Adrienne-yay ONE person, lol) you'll know if there's anyone I dislike more than the left and their hypocrisy and lies, it's the media and the championing of those lies. It just sickens me how not only they, but the actual President of the United States sat the Occupy dirtbags are "no different" than the Tea Party. Of course, they then put the Occupiers on a pedestal while demeaning the Tea Party at every given turn, when everybody knows the exact opposite is true; especially the Democrats (which is why they now have somewhat turned their backs on the Occupy movement since their violent tendencies have all but been exposed.

4:57 pm  

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