Saturday, March 03, 2012

Andrew Breitbart Dies Suddenly at 43

NOTE: This post was originally published at 12:09 on March 2. Somehow it got published as March 3 at 3:25 AM.

The conservative world is in shock and mourning as blogger and publisher Andrew Breitbart died suddenly while taking a walk near his home in Los Angeles.

This one sucks. It really, really sucks. I admired Breitbart for his exposure of every liberal scheme and totalitarian endeavor. His exposing of ACORN that lead to Congress defunding the left-wing propaganda pipeline was a classic example of his war against far-left extremists and the media apologists that cried havoc in it's wake. The tributes have been pouring in from all corners of the right-wing blogosphere to the man who gave conservatives fed up with the liberal media a voice and a means to show their discontent and anger with the MSM and left-wing politicians' duplicity and criminality.

Of course the typical response from the left has been disgusting and jubilant. Like when any prominent conservative passes, the far-left squeals with glee with the same amount of laughable, feigned depression when one of their own dictator-loving, racist, womanizing, rapist politicians and celebrities fall. The difference being the right can prove these characterizations, while the left does it out of pure hatred and vitriol.

To be sure, Breitbart made his mistakes, such as the Shirley Sherrod affair, but it is his legacy of truth and perseverance is what really irks the left. Why else would have he have been hated so much by them? If he was a irrelevant liar and scoundrel like they claim, they wouldn't have paid so much attention to him. They attacked him because they knew he was on to them. His accusations have always been vindicated and they will continue to be.

Such insidious columns and opinions from the disgusting left have also been flowing like water since the news came out. None of you will be surprised to read any of them.

Scumbag number one is Curtis R. Simmons, the news editor of the New York Amsterdam News:
Anti-Black Journalist Andrew Breitbart Dies Suddenly

The happy article includes a quote from Shirley Sherrod, to her credit she is years above the rest of the left happy over the news with her dignity.
"My prayers go out to Mr. Breitbart’s family as they cope through this very difficult time,” she said."
from NewsBusters, the NYAN is hardly a bastion of professionalism anyway,
"For those unfamiliar with NYAN, it is a weekly newspaper whose target market is African-Americans in New York City.

I guess that makes it acceptable to call Breitbart "anti-black."

As the Washington Post's Dylan Byers also noticed, NYAN seems to be confused about Breitbart's gender (emphasis added):

Her other major coup was posting questionable photographs of former Congressman Anthony Weiner, which eventually led to Weiner’s resignation Recently, he was caught on camera acting erratically in an attempt to discredit the occupied wall street movement.

So this publication called Breitbart "anti-black," misspelled his name wrong several times, and is inconsistent about his gender.

The owners of this newspaper must be so proud of their product."

Scumbag number two is Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone and of course the entire editing team at that scum-filled magazine. This isn't the first time Taibbi proved himself to be a waste of skin as one of his previous articles mockingly ridiculed the death of Pope John Paul II. These "people" have no conscience what-so-ever and they deserve every bit of hate mail, subscription cancellations and boycotts they may receive (not that would ever happen from their left-wing base anyway, who are no doubt frothing in their joy)
Death of A Douche

Scumbag number number three is of course the New York Times, who, if they haven't already, showed their complete disregard of humility and objectiveness with their joy of Breitbart's passing.

Scumbag number four is CNN who, like all the liberal networks took full advantage of the death of Breitbart who is no longer here to defend himself, by trying to smear his name and tell their twisted version of history. Unfortunately for DNCNN, editor Joel Pollock corrected them on their false narrative of the above mentioned Sherrod story.

Scumbag number five is Bill Press who went on a four-minute hate-filled tirade of his own.

Scumbag number six is CNN's Suzanne Malveaux (actually almost all CNN personalities on this day) who reminded her audience of the above mentioned Shirley Sherrod fiasco (without mentioning ACORN) without complete context and tried to frame Breitbart as the reason Democrat Anthony Weiner resigned in disgrace.

Scumbag numbers seven and eight are Young Turks' Cenk Uygur and former ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis who not only smeared Breitbart merely hours after his passing but also tried to undo the public service Breitbart did by lying about ACORN's objectives. And suppose you couldn't call them racists could you? If it was the other way around you know that would be the battle cry from these two. I have no problem calling them cowards.

Scumbag number nine is the left-wing blogosphere. They are literally licking their chops at the thought that they once again can and have seized the opportunity to smear a deceased conservative. Messages such as "I would love to go to L.A. and sh*t on his grave" and "Good. F*ck him and his family" show the true colors of the far-left. They will never change. What do you expect from people that defend child-rapists and cop killers on death row yet advocate the murder of unborn children?

FOX News Radio has a small example of the "death culture" of the left.

This was not intended to be an assault on the left-wing media, although Breitbart himself would have said not to miss an opportunity to do so, it was just meant to show exactly what he dedicated himself to-showing the bias and hatred of said "journalists."

Andrew Breitbart, despite what the left-in all their malice and purposeful means to slander and discredit him in what they have said and will say, stood for the truth and did not allow the left to manipulate it for their own political and financial means. The country is better off for it.

Rush Limbaugh left this tribute for his friend:

"A few words about Andrew Breitbart. I've known Andrew Breitbart since the 1990s when he was working with Matt Drudge to help produce that page, the Drudge Report, each and every day. He grew up in West Los Angeles, surrounded by liberals, father-in-law Orson Bean, the comedian. Sometime during the 1990s, the early nineties, Breitbart had an awakening. He was constantly questioning what was all around him, which was really extreme liberalism, and he became, as many of you in the audience know, a bulldog. He literally was an indefatigable bulldog for the conservative cause. He did things that nobody else has done on the Internet where there are a lot of players. He accomplished quite a lot, much more than a lot of people.

A lot of people get into the business for a number of reasons. His was to effect change. He really sought to effect change above everything else. A lot of people get into it to make a name for themselves. He was about that, too, of course, but he really was about effecting change, and he did on numerous occasions with ACORN, Anthony Weiner, Shirley Sherrod, just to name three of his most famous examples. But he was a bulldog. He was walking outside his home in his neighborhood in Brentwood just after midnight, keeled over. People had talked to him two hours prior, he sounded perfectly fine. They're shocked. Family's stunned. I mean there were some reports of health problems, but there was no indication of this.

So everybody's in a state of shock today trying to make sense of it. And when something like this happens to somebody a lot of people know at a very young age, you could say he died too young by half, he's 43, life expectancy in the early eighties. You're reminded once again, it's become a cliche but it's worth mentioning. You only get one life, and most people don't get as much out of it as they could. Human nature. And one of the reasons that most people don't get the most out of their lives that they can is they can't stop thinking about themselves. And the more you think about yourself the more depressed you're gonna get. Human nature. The more you think about yourself, the less you are aware of things going on outside your sphere. It's hard not to do that, and Breitbart did that.

Breitbart was outside himself in all of his quests. When I say indefatigable, I never heard of him sleeping. I know he did, but he was constantly on the go. He was also a grateful guy and very thoughtful. He was a guest at our wedding in 2010, and about two months prior he sent Cookie a note, wanted to know if she knew who one of my most inspirational figures was. She told him. He presented us with a classic painting of Ronald Reagan, and every year since, every birthday, three birthdays, he has sent me a giant painting, a different rendering of the American flag.

It's a very sad thing to see this happen. And I've been made aware that some of the leftists on Twitter and other blog sites are filled with an unspeakable callous and coarse mean-spiritedness today. When I heard about it I went to some of these sites and I read some of the tweets, some of them from well-known left-wing journalists,, you would not believe it, I'm struck. What is there to compromise with these people? Where is the area for compromise with these people? I mean it is really vicious stuff, which, in the end he would have loved and was a testament to his effectiveness and how effective he was.

Even today, the AP in their story/obit of Andrew Breitbart misrepresents him, even in death. And maybe fittingly, given his quest in life, this AP article is a textbook example of the kind of outrageous mendacity in the news media today that he fought against. Even in death the AP cannot refrain from lying about him and misrepresenting him. They treat his posting of the Shirley Sherrod video clip as one of the highlights of his career only in order to use it against him. But Breitbart's clip did not misrepresent her views.

The clip that he posted -- he had the Big Government websites, Big Journalism websites -- the clip that he posted of Shirley Sherrod contained enough of her comments that any fair-minded viewer would realize she was telling the audience about her previous prejudices. This was the case involving all of the mythical black farmers that were signed up for a giant government payout. She and her husband were in on that, and so many of them were not qualified to receive the payment. They all got the payment on the basis of past racism and bigotry and all of this. He exposed Shirley Sherrod, just as he exposed Anthony Weiner's photos, or Anthony's Weiner photos, he exposed 'em. Where's Weiner today? He's walking the baby to the dry cleaners in Queens.

Then there was ACORN. Remember the James O'Keefe videos. That was Andrew Breitbart. They went walking in portraying a pimp and a prostitute looking for ways to scam the system, and there was ACORN telling 'em how to do it. All caught on tape. It caused ACORN to theoretically shut down, and change their name and come back to life as a bunch of separate organizations. The AP article damns Andrew Breitbart with faint praise. It describes him as "an outspoken critic of the mainstream media but was lionized by his fans for his efforts at exposing government corruption and media bias." Now, was he only lionized by his fans?

Wouldn't you think that real-life journalists would applaud Breitbart's efforts to expose government corruption and media bias? I mean, what does the media claim to exist to do? To hold the powerful accountable! "Speak truth to power," is that the phrase? Well, the mainstream media has become part of the power. When that power is held by the Democrat Party, the mainstream media covers up the corruption. He was exposing it. He did more and greater work than Woodward and Bernstein! He should have been one of their heroes. But he wasn't. He should have been given the same kind of hero worship that Woodward and Bernstein have gotten. And unlike the work of Woodward and Bernstein, Breitbart's investigations were actually truthful.

Now, at the bottom of the article, the AP notes that, quote, "Breitbart's websites also featured a 2009 hidden-camera sting video that brought embarrassment to the community group ACORN. The videos show ACORN staffers offering advice on taxes and other issues to actors posing as a prostitute and pimp," close quote, which is another blatant misrepresentation. We all know that those ACORN staffers were doing more than "offering advice on taxes and other issues." Why else would they have been fired? They were all fired in humiliating disgrace. Why did ACORN lose its funding? Why was it disbanded, and then rebranded and put back together?

Because of Andrew Breitbart.

All in all, this AP article just goes to show that the country desperately needs another thousand more Andrew Breitbarts, if you ask me. He was something. Constantly on the go. Constantly revved up. He was at Tea Party event. He went to CPAC. He would even occasionally go to breakfast meetings of various Republican members of Congress, sit with them and discuss strategy, the way to effectively advance ideas and be victorious. You know, all of us are unique. It's true to say that there will never be another Andrew Breitbart. There will never be another anybody because we're all unique. I hope that the people who worked with him can maintain the tradition, the energy, and the effectiveness that his websites all were after his passing.

I know they're going to try, and I know they'll do it with a sense of honor, duty, and devotion to Breitbart as well as the fact they love it, too. It's just really a sad thing. Everybody is totally taken by surprise, as I say. He was on the phone with people two hours before he died. Nobody knew that anything was wrong. Now, he'd had some health problems. People knew that. But there was no terminal diagnosis involved here. There was no ongoing illness that people were aware of. There were some health problems, but nothing that indicated anything like this. Except maybe to people very close to him. Who knows?

But at ten o'clock last night people were talking to him on the phone and two hours later he keels over on the sidewalk in his neighborhood in Brentwood. He'll be missed by a lot of people. I will say one thing that happened to him. The Pigford thing. That was the Shirley Sherrod case. That was the USDA. The Pigford settlement. This is where all those black farmers scored big on the federal government for past discrimination way, way back. They just tried to find as many people as they could that had never been farmers; family had never been farmers. It was one of his highlights of his career. But I noted change in him over the years, and I think this is a life lesson.

Over the years, the whole thing he was involved in seemed to lose some of the fun factor as the intensity and the seriousness of it picked up. And this loops back to the notion that we all only have one life. I hope that that didn't have anything to do with it. I mean, he was very intense. He was profoundly intense, and at times he'd get very mad, very angry -- as we all do -- and very frustrated. Everybody wants to matter. Everybody wants to be effective. He was far more effective than he probably ever dreamed, but probably wanted to be even more so. So let's hope that the people who were around him, who were inspired by him, can keep his work going as though he were still there.

'Cause that work is crucially important to a lot of people on the conservative side. As I say: Remember, now, he grew up in West LA. He grew up surround by liberals. He told me. We interviewed him here for his book. We interviewed him for the Limbaugh Letter. He described the process that he took, or that occurred to him as he began to question some of this stuff that just been inculcated, drilled into him from the time he was born. He began to question it. A lot of it didn't make sense. And then one day, a big burst of reality hit, and his life changed forever. Andrew Breitbart was 43 years old and he's going to be missed by everybody who knew him."

His websites quoted the concluding passage from his book, Righteous Indignation.

"I love my job. I love fighting for what I believe in. I love having fun while doing it. I love reporting stories that the Complex refuses to report. I love fighting back, I love finding allies, and -- famously -- I enjoy making enemies. Three years ago, I was mostly a behind-the-scenes guy who linked to stuff on a very popular website. I always wondered what it would be like to enter the public realm to fight for what I believe in. I've lost friends, perhaps dozens. But I've gained hundreds, thousands -- who knows? -- of allies. At the end of the day, I can look at myself in the mirror, and I sleep very well at night."

The editors at his websites (Breitbart, Big Peace, Big Hollywood, Big Journalism and Big Government) have left this memorium. As have conservative actors Patricia Heaton and Robert Davi as well as pundits Mark Levin, Andrew Klavan, Ann Coulter, Charles Krauthammer, actors Steven Weber and Adam Baldwin and one of my personal favourites over at Pajamas Media, Alfonso Rachel. To his credit Lawrence O'Donnell and guests talk fondly of the man when they otherwise not be doing so. Breitbart himself wanted to be remembered as "a guy who was awakened from a sleep-walking liberalism.

Of course, I never knew Andrew Breitbart, but his thoughts on the liberal media are mine as you may well know if you've read even just one or two of my posts. Although I don't post every single day on every single issue and I'm not nearly as intelligent as he was or those you read on his websites or Townhall and every once in a while I have to take a step back or a day or two off from this game as I get so angered and frustrated at the pure audacity and arrogance of the MSM. But any and all conservative blogger, pundit or columnist must carry on what Breitbart started. We owe it to him to carry on his mission of not letting the liberal media destroy anyone who simply doesn't agree with left-wing narrative or opinion of the way things should be.

Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012) May he rest in peace.


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