Saturday, April 07, 2012

Obama Welcome the True War on Women to the White House

President Barack Obama has welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood, the radical Islamist organization whose Freedom and Justice Party won the largest number of seats in that country's parliamentary elections and which will probably win the Egyptian presidency as well, into the White House.

This is the same party, or organization if you will has already stated that if elected, Sharia Law, would guide all lawmaking in Egypt under the party's rule. As anyone knows Sharia Law is highly anti-Christian, anti-Jew, anti-liberty and freedom and heavily anti-woman. Ask any family in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia who have lost a female family member (if not killing them themselves in the name of "honor.")

The fact that Obama would even allow these future enemies of America (diplomatic obligations not withstanding) into the White House shows his disrespect for the rights of women the world over. It looks like the "War on Women" is being comfortably hosted by the current President of the United States.


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