Mark Levin Calls for Sharpton to be Fired for 'Accusing Republicans of Genocide'
I'm going to have to go with Mark Levin on this one (surprise!) Because in all honesty, when Rush Limbaugh wrongfully called Sandra Fluke a "slut" for wanting taxpayers to subsidize birth-control in healthcare (although otherwise he had a point in his condemnation of the lefts lack of self-control and responsibility) the national media made it a coast-to-coast crisis (again, without taking Bill Maher's open misogyny to task-with some even openly defending it).
Levin, a conservative radio talk-show host called for Al Sharpton to be fired for accusing Republicans of genocide.
I won't go that far. I'm of the opinion that Sharpton should apologize as Limbaugh and all those on the right are forced to do when the uptight left overreacts to anything they don't like to hear. But unlike the left, I'm not calling for Sharpton's firing or any kind of forcible removal. I figure one time he'll go to far (as he's bound to do) and the advertisers or eventually MSNBC brass will do that themselves. Even they have to realize, as they did with Kieth Olbermann, that ratings equal advertisers. And with Sharpton's ever-so dwindling ratings, the time will come when even the far-left NBC Universe will have had enough of his baseless, accusatory rants.
The lefts unabated, unsubstantiated and continually undenounced shameful rhetoric of the rights comparison to Adolph Hitler or Nazism in general gets more and more disgusting and offensive to survivors of real Nazi genocide every single time I hear it. And yes, it is just as shameful when the right does it to the left. Although one or two signs at some sort of partisan political event is not even comparable to the lefts asinine accusations as a collective.
Until (and I won't hold my breath) the left-wing media is taken to account for their silence, which will be construed as whole-hearted uniformity with the redonkulous lefts juxtaposition there will not be, nor can there be any fruitful discourse between the two ideologies. And as Levin pointed out, as right-wing media members have always pointed out, with absolutely no response or acknowledgement from the left whatsoever, why aren't Sharpton, Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Bill Press and the like ever called on for their divisive, misleading and hateful comments? EVER!?
But fire Sharpton? Nah. Eventually he and his lack of ratings will do that.
Levin, a conservative radio talk-show host called for Al Sharpton to be fired for accusing Republicans of genocide.
I won't go that far. I'm of the opinion that Sharpton should apologize as Limbaugh and all those on the right are forced to do when the uptight left overreacts to anything they don't like to hear. But unlike the left, I'm not calling for Sharpton's firing or any kind of forcible removal. I figure one time he'll go to far (as he's bound to do) and the advertisers or eventually MSNBC brass will do that themselves. Even they have to realize, as they did with Kieth Olbermann, that ratings equal advertisers. And with Sharpton's ever-so dwindling ratings, the time will come when even the far-left NBC Universe will have had enough of his baseless, accusatory rants.
The lefts unabated, unsubstantiated and continually undenounced shameful rhetoric of the rights comparison to Adolph Hitler or Nazism in general gets more and more disgusting and offensive to survivors of real Nazi genocide every single time I hear it. And yes, it is just as shameful when the right does it to the left. Although one or two signs at some sort of partisan political event is not even comparable to the lefts asinine accusations as a collective.
Until (and I won't hold my breath) the left-wing media is taken to account for their silence, which will be construed as whole-hearted uniformity with the redonkulous lefts juxtaposition there will not be, nor can there be any fruitful discourse between the two ideologies. And as Levin pointed out, as right-wing media members have always pointed out, with absolutely no response or acknowledgement from the left whatsoever, why aren't Sharpton, Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Bill Press and the like ever called on for their divisive, misleading and hateful comments? EVER!?
But fire Sharpton? Nah. Eventually he and his lack of ratings will do that.
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