Saturday, May 19, 2012

Race Baiting Reaches Ridiculous Heights at The Mess

Who raised this guy?  Seriously.  He really must have graduated at the top of the class of Al Shaprton U.  One of the top race-baiters at MSNBC, Toure, has apparently connected the early rejection of disco with homophobia and wait for it...racism. Unfortunately for Toure, the sales of the genre discredit his ridiculous assumptions.  But whatever it takes for him to espouse his baseless bigotry and to have Andrea Mitchell allow him to try and fool people that he's some sort of relevant intellectual.

And all at the expense of the unfortunate passing of one of music's humble and talented stars.  Way to go Toure!  People aren't tired of this crap in the slightest.  When will BSNBC understand that the masses are sick and tired of their attempted, disgusting divisiveness? 


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