Still No word by Networks on Catholic Church Lawsuit Against Obama Administration
Other than a mere 19-second "report" of the lawsuit by CBS, the three networks have chosen to ignore the "historic" lawsuit by the Catholic Church (as the networks themselves would say if they chose to do their jobs and the President were a Republican) but they sure are expedient on reporting another child abuse scandal and "massive cover-up." You'd figure that story, which is indeed newsworthy, would at least remind them of the other.
And while I'm on it, did you hear about the alleged Obama supporter who tried to bribe Rev. Jeremiah Wright to keep quite during the 2008 general election? No? Hm. That's weird.
And while I'm on it, did you hear about the alleged Obama supporter who tried to bribe Rev. Jeremiah Wright to keep quite during the 2008 general election? No? Hm. That's weird.
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