Sunday, June 17, 2012

Breaking News: Conservative Asks Obama A Question, Liberals Play Race Card

After The Daily Caller's Neil Munro interrupted president Barack Obama with a legitimate question, albeit also with bad timing, the liberal media is all up in arms with their favorite ace in the hole-racism charges-once again.  You notice how the left doesn't answer to Obama's dismal record with praising his accomplishments like anyone who is defending someone with a record to defend, instead they cast aspersions and insults by playing the tired race card.  as if you didn't know that.
Mr. Spock, Sam Donaldson himself took the low road to defend his favorite politician, as did Politico's Joe Williams and MBNBC's resident one-name superstar race-baiter, Toure (what else is new?)

Isn't it racist of these lefty "experts" and pundits to imply the President of the United States can't handle a heckler, or someone with a tough question?  Especially someone who's supposed to be so fearless and brilliant?  Projection folks.  That the liberal game.  Always has been.  Alinsky rides again.  It's really no different than the Democrats historically keeping blacks down (after voting to keep them in chains and then later to deny them civil rights) and poverty-ridden then say they need the Dems to protect then from the awful, evil Republican party.  Then they push their liberal message on TV, in movies, in newspapers and magazines to indoctrinate the laymen.  It's worked for decades.

And I don't know who they're trying to convince.  The people that already believe this claptrap don't need convincing and those who they are trying to convince are too smart to believe it or too busy too care about liberal B.S.  Liberals are funny and very, very entertaining, but oh, so pathetic.  As a commenter said, "The Race Industry has the liberal white-dominated MSM well trained in recognizing "racial context," because for decades any legitimate criticism of a black liberal was met with the Race Card. And as the likelihood of a re-election defeat for Obama looms, we're going to see a lot more of it." 


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