Friday, June 08, 2012

Spending No Problem for Obama, Unthinkable for Walker

With all the kvetching by the sour-grape-consuming left over the fact that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker rightfully got the support of the people of his state and retained his job to at least finish out his term, they are trying to insult their viewers and readers by citing the "outspending" of Tom Barrett and the Democrat political machine by donations to Walker's campaign (that actually is something else the Dems are once again embellishing about) that enabled Walker to win.  yes, that's why he won, not because Walker relayed his record and job performance to the voters, but because it was millions of dollars and negative campaign ads towards Barrett.

But the best part is all the while, Barack Obama is reeling in all he possibly can from his liberal celebrity pals.  The left-wing media has absolutely no problem with this of course. 

Isn't the "progressive" double standard a wonderful thing?


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