Saturday, June 23, 2007

Didn't I Mention This Before?

Once again, while every America-hating liberal loves to espouse about how President Bush has destroyed the country's international reputation, that was supposedly built by Bill Clinton, and that every world leader wants to avoid Bush and his policies like the plague, it seems that once again (like I said) the facts (that liberals also avoid like the plague) say otherwise.

This article in NewsMax magazine seems to back up my sentiments.

With allies in Canada, Germany, Australia, Iraq, Kuwait, Japan, the Philippines, Great Britain and now France (if you can believe that one) you have not only the strongest military and economic countries on the globe (not to mention the most influential) on your side, try to convince me that Bush is hated and/or disrespected world-wide. You see, this is how the mind of the liberal works, they can't deal with the fact that history, not to mention common sense, has proven and continues to prove them wrong day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade on every major social and economic factor that there is. When they are faced with this inconvenience, they simply attack the messenger, call you a liar (and probably a fascist, racist, homophobe, xenophobe, nazi, take your pick) or they simply pretend it never existed in the first place; much like, oh I don't know, how the democrats wanted to keep slavery legal and succeed from the Union until Andrew Jackson threatened to hang them for treason (hello Hollywood, Michael Moore) in the process delaying the Civil War for approximately 20 years and Abraham Lincoln went to war against.

Once, just once, I'd like to see a lib admit they don't know what the hell they're talking about.


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