Saturday, July 07, 2007

Louis Black on Conspiracies

By now, all of you know how I feel about conspiracies, all of them. You really can't believe in one without believing them all. Sort of like polls, I guess.
Louis Black, you may all know him from The Daily Show, has penned a column that just about says it right, you know, apart from my own posts on the matter.
If you're a lefty, you will obviously enjoy his take on the "corrupt" Bush government, but those who know better (seeing that he does mention a press gone bad) won't mind that little rant, since it's been come to be expected from anyone who has a stint on the Comedy Central show. Still, even a marginally intellectual lefty has a point or two.

By the way, you may want to disregard the typical lefty crap about how Bush "misled" the country into war. Really, is the whole left-wing existence solely based on regurgitating lies that were debunked years prior? Well, when the myth becomes legend, print the legend, I guess. Anyways, he says the part about the shamnesty bill (that he likes to call-like all leftys, and worse righties that for some reason agree with that term- the immigration reform bill) was defeated, not because it was essentially amnesty, but because it was "racial prejudice". Leave it to the left to blame race on everything. Or was it Bush's fault?


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