Sunday, July 08, 2007

Whaddya Mean Greenland Used to be Green?

I just had to add this. Anytime I can reduce the omnipotent Goracle to a stuttering pile of hypocrisy, I HAVE to post it. Of course Gore won't mind, or even know, he's back in Tennesee offering moral support to his son who was arrested for drug possession. So, he's just being a good fath...wait a minute, no he isn't, he's too busy hanging out with his new celebrity friends and "playing on our fears" about global whining.

I think John Ridley had it right when he said Gore should maybe hug his children instead of the trees. And this from an admitted Gore fan.

Ok, so the MSM actually (and slightly) reported the arrest of Al Gore's son, Al Gore III. But why haven't they gone nuts about it like the way they did with the Bush girls? Or mention Chelsea Clinton at all?


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