Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Does Chris Matthews Reconize How Truly Idiotic He Really Is?

So A-Mess-NBC's Chris Matthews once again had the gaul to say that General David Patraeus was (in so many words)lying and that his plan/and or advice to Congress and the president to withdraw troops to pre-surge levels by March of '08' was "thought up months ago" and is simply "insincere window-dressing". How more bias and irresponsible can these morons get? I thought that's what these jackasses in Congress and in the MSM wanted for the last five years, an honest assessment of the situation in Iraq from someone that everyone could trust.

Remember, Congress unanimously confirmed the general as our guy on the ground. I guess they'd prefer to keep their regular source of information of the going-on there from lefty politicians and reporters that never leave the green-zone and their hotel balconies. Do you have any doubt that if Patraeus had said Iraq was a total failure and we needed to withdraw all troops immediately, that they would hang on and embrace every word that escaped his lips. Disgusting!


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