Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Murtha is Still a Sleaze

With the help of hearsay from a terrorist insurgent, plus the unmittigated gaul by TIME magazine for simply taking his word for it, then finding the biggest sleaze in the democratic party that they could to sell this lemon to the world (take your pick there) John Murtha should be shunned, if not tarred and feathered all together. At the very least, he should be removed from office. At most (if not jail for the Adscam) he should be removed from Washinton and never be allowed to run for public office again. I mean not even dog catcher. This "man" is a disgrace!

Remember his tangent on Meet the Press back and other media outlets back in May of '06' calling the brave Marines (which I'm sure they're ashamed-as is the rest of the country- that he was once one of them) who are fighting and dying for the security of the West, a bunch of "mercenaries" and "cold-blooded" murderers?

Well, by now you must know that all of the Marines in question, who were set up from the beginning by a bias, hateful liberal magazine and an old, unpatriotic, senile, bitter democratic representative, (good, thorough info here) have been exonorated. That includes yesterdays great news out of Los Angeles, that all charges have been dropped against Lt. Col. Jeffery Chessani, the senior officer in the Haditha case.
And may I just say it's about freaking time.

Now that the case has been put to rest, will Murtha or any Democrat representative appologize to these marines or their families?
I know, silly question. Of course they won't.
First they'll keep saying that the judgement was wrong, that it was fixed from the start by President Bush or someone in his "organization" or perhaps even by the diabolical, evil genious/"idiot" himself. Then they'll demand new hearings, a new investigation and all that other liberal, sour grapes crap.
But most likely, with the help from their liberal media friends, they'll just pretend it never happened. After all, being a liberal means never having to say you're sorry.

But unfortunately, if Murtha never had to answer for the 1980 Adscam scandal (which miraculously also dissapeared from the liberal history books) he won't be admonished for this either. I mean, is there any doubt?

How much coverage do you think this is going to get from his liberal media pals?
oops, there I go again.

You just know Murtha is secretly glad that Tim Russert has passed, because now he won't have to answer any questions on the subject on Meet the Press. Hey, that may be cold, even a bit callous, but you know it's true.


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