Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hollywood Morons Exposed

They all preach about peace and love and harmony (Actually I think-as goofy as he is-Richard Gere is the only one that actually means it, being a buddist)
but yet, that Bush Derangement Syndrome hits them-froth and all-and they're just as angry at the president as we on the right are about them when they open their mouths to things they clearly have no clue of what they're talking about.

Seriously, and I know I keep saying that these people are loons, folks. That's because it's painfully true.
These are the same people that have absolutely no idea how food and cleaning supplies get in their cupboards, what their children are learning or who they're hanging out with and their favorite source of information is MSNBC and The View. Wow!

Want a little insight into what these people call an education? (and why are we supposed to care)

Here ya go.

And check out these steps on "How to Be a Mean Liberal Celebrity Hypocrite"

Have you heard how heard how much hate-filled, vitrolic, nonsense comes out of these elitists mouths? Not to mention the pure stupidity (of course the above education levels explains that) but man, do these people prove every time they open their collective, irrelevant mouths how they really belong in the world of make-believe.
...And that's just a small sample.


Mind you, these aren't all celebrities, some of them are in fact pretty bright-some, it just seems that the ones who shriek the loudest appear to be the least informed. But, they're celebrities after all, so they know best.


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