Friday, October 03, 2008

The Debates Part 2-Palin/Biden

Well, as much as it pains me to say this, this one didn't go as well as I'd hoped.

Governor, Sarah Palin and Senator, Joe Biden met last night for their first and only debate for the 2008 campaign and although I thought Palin did very well, I'll have to give this one to Biden.

At about the 30 minute mark I was prepared to say Biden was killing her. But then Palin got a little more zest in her aproach and settled down. A little to late to claim victory, but she did very well none the less. The reason I gave this one to Biden is that I felt he was a more assertive. Not more confident or lively (in fact, I think Palin had him beat in the gusto department) but assertive-at least until near the end.
Biden has 35 years in the Senate and-as Palin herself pointed out-she has been in the national spotlight for approximately five weeks.
The experience showed.

That's not to say that Palin didn't score any points, in fact I gave her extra credit for going back to the foreign affairs question when she wanted to counter a point by Biden on Iran. This was supposed to be Biden's strength (and the main reason Obama tapped him for V.P.) But after moderator, Gwen Ifill let her off the hook, sort of speak , about the "nuclear Iran/unstable Pakistan" question and was ready to move on to the next topic, palin voluntarily went back in. Gutsy.
I mean it's kind of ironic because this is where Palin was supposed to get creamed. That didn't happen. She held in own in the one area where Biden was supposed to land a knockout. He didn't even score a standing eight-count. Like I said, ironic.

By the one-hour mark, i was again ready to concede on points. If it were a hockey game, it would have been 8-4 by that point, working on the premise that one good point would more or less negate the other, while unanswered accusations or unchallenged assertions also scored.

Although I did catch a few factual inaccuracies by Biden, he seemed to score points (again, according to my system) when Palin didn't respond to them. Also, you do have to take into account that Biden, (although a decent man and I do actually like the guy) he is a Democrat so...his "facts" differ from mine, and apparently Palin's as well.

Also, I think Palin went to that cutesy, I'm just like one of you tactic too much. I realize she still has to sell herself to the American public, as I'm sure lots of people still don't know who she is, but she was way more credible when she was looking into the camera being serious about her points and not always giving us her "dogone-its" and "you betchas". Still, she is the closest anyone has seen to middle-class in a politician. But that "aw, shucks" stuff (even though I know that's really who she is) gets old fast.

I do believe that she got her points across well on McCain's plans for the economy, as well on her points on accountability, but overall, Biden just seemed to on his game plan better. That doesn't mean he embarrassed her; or beat her senseless. Far from it. It just means, like I said he won on points. Much like Obama against McCain in their first debate, Palin just had to hold her own and she did just that-although her performance had much more riding on it, which is all the more impressive.

By the way, I still maintain moderator, Gwen Ifill should have relinquished her duties as the host on general principles because of her upcoming book, but she did fine. No bias, no agenda, no problem.

Before I close this out, I do have to comment, as did Palin, on Biden's continual returning to blaming the Bush administration for everything. You know the adds,
"Do we really need more of the same?" Forget the fact that McCain is not Bush, but why doesn't McCain return the favor by starting ads that sound like,
"Remember the fiasco that was the Jimmy Carter administration? Barack we really need more of the same?"

Anyways, so after two debates: McCain/Palin 1 Obama/Biden 1.

However, me thinks the Obama/Biden ticket will get the bounce from this one yet again. I could be wrong.
I hope I am.


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