Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ignatieff New Liberal Leader

So the Liberal Party of Canada has decided to get that bad taste out of their collective mouths that was Stephane Dion and appoint Michael Ignatieff (admittedly a more competent leader and more of a threat to Conservative power) as their new boss.

Two things:
Number one, the upcoming Liberal leadership race will most assuredly be a quick and decisive victory for Ignatieff and, number two, since the Liberal leader still feels that a coalition government with the socialists and separatists is the way to convince Canadians that it's the correct way to go to "take back" their country; I beleive a majority government for Stephen Harper's Conservative Party is almost a shoe-in. Not quite, as I believe Ignatieff (who was really in no doubt to take the reigns) will be more than a competitive adversary for the Prime Minister.

However, Ignatieff's past and (like Obama in the U.S.) his lack of exposure to Canadians is something he should be concerned with. Some aren't convinced of his intentions with a coalition, or even if he supports one.

Things are getting juicy now.

Even if Harper does win, if it's another minority, he's a goner. Jean Charet anyone?


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