Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama Reaches Out to Muslims

Maybe a little too much?

By Amy Proctor
via Bottom Line Up Front

In this interview with the Arab network, the premise is that America needs to change in order to be restored in the international community. In fact, Obama relished in the notion that Osama bin Laden seems “nervous” over his presidency. That’s just ego-gathering for the new naïve president who doesn’t seem to grasp the deeper meanings of what he’s actually saying.

The connotation that the U.S. needs to make peace with Muslims is one that I have promoted on this blog for years. While I do not endorse Islam theologically or practically, I do know that how our foreign policy is implemented in dealing with Muslims will determine how much peace there is in the world. No example proves this point better than the brilliant counterinsurgency strategy of GEN David Petraeus in Iraq, in which he built on relationships with the locals in order to overthrow terrorists. We depend upon Muslims to win the war on terror, win the peace in Iraq and defeat the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.

The U.S. can progress with the Muslim world and can divide and conquer terrorism if it understands and respects religious culture and exposes apostates like Osama bin Laden.

There are two things missed in this interview: what the Bush policies did to help and reshape the Middle East and what Obama’s liberal moral agenda will do to hurt our efforts with the Muslim world.

“Democracy in Iraq is an Earthquake in the Arab World” ….the accomplishments of George W. Bush in the Middle East may be vastly underappreciated, but they are accomplishments nonetheless. Rogue Muslim leaders, dictators and terrorists were shaking in their boots for 8 years.

Bush ensured that Iraq had no WMD and that the incredible humanitarian crisis, the brutality of Saddam Hussein and his evil heirs, would be no more. Iraq is no longer a threat to its neighbors and is doing what Bill Clinton said we hoped for Iraq when he signed the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998…that is, that Iraq would “rejoin the family of nations as a freedom-loving and law-abiding member. This is in our interest and that of our allies within the region.”

Bush liberated 50 million Muslims in the Middle East and this liberation spread to free elections in other Arab countries, an increased democracy, the dismantling of WMD programs in Libya and facilitated dialogue between Muslims and non-Muslims about how to bring about world peace.

“America is not your enemy”, said Obama in the interview. This isn’t exactly true. The exportation of pornography, abortion and the gay lifestyle have done more to damage America’s reputation around the world than anything Bush allegedly did, and that was a problem facilitated by liberals long before Bush was president.

In fact, when the honeymoon is over and Muslims realize Barack Obama’s positions on abortion and gay “civil” rights, they will be appalled. When they see that Obama has ordered the exportation of abortion throughout the world, he will become their enemy, not their friend.

When Obama said that he plans on restoring the U.S. “relationship with the Muslim world” to what it was 20-30 years ago, his memory is short. Believe it or not, we now enjoy a more peaceful Middle East than before, especially considering we are at war. Obama isn’t remember the Jimmy Carter debacle with Iran in 1978 that helped Iranian zealots coin the phrase, “Death to America”, the decades of hijacked planes throughout the world, the Beirut bombing in 1983 that killed 241 Marines or the general unrest and terrorism that plagued the Middle East with virtually no reprisal.

For now, Muslims see Obama as someone with an Arabic sounding name and recognize that he is not Bush. That’s all that matters to them now, but that will inevitably change and hopefully Obama’s naïveté right along with it.

Peace and good relations with Muslim countries is a top goal, a necessary goal, a goal that began its undertaking during the Bush administration, but it is folly to expect Barack Obama with his liberal baggage to be able to seal this deal.

Update on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 05:47AM by Amy Proctor

All U.S. presidents travel with an American flag that is stationed behind them whether they are giving a speech, press conference with another head of state or giving an interview.

But according to CNN International this morning,an Arab woman in charge of setting up for the Obama/Al-Arabiya TV interview said she asked the Obama people where the American flag was to put behind Obama for the TV angle. She was told Obama wanted the interview to be “casual.”

Barack Obama’s first interview as President of the United States and the head of state, which happened to be in a foreign country, was conducted without a U.S. flag, which is normal protocol.

Now, how can you argue with that?
Yeah, I know you'll try.


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