Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Please, Please, Please, Just Retire Already

She must be shocked. Veteran White House correspondent, Helen Thomas, was promised that the troops would be coming home. She was promised that Barack Obama would end the war(s) Now, she's disappointed that the Messiah is doing what he has to do and doing what any president would have to do in his position. Anybody with any sense of history or with who or what we're dealing with knows this wasn't going to be over.

I'm sure Ms. Thomas went to the polls, just like all the other Obamaphiles, expecting a brand new world. One filled with rainbows, rose pedals and children singing kumbya (or at least Dear Leader) 24/7. Well Ms. Thomas, welcome to the real world.

I know she thinks that only liberals can be caring and wish for peace the world over, but now that The One has bombed Pakistan (killing civilians) and is sending more troops to Afghanistan, "to kill people" what is position now on Obama? With Bush gone, who is she going to direct all her ignorant questions at?

I say all her questions, but really, doesn't she just have that one?

Irrelevancy, thy name is Thomas.


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