Saturday, March 14, 2009

We've Got Bigger Problems, But...

Remember when President Bush said through a hot mic to former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, "...they have to get their s**t together" and the left-wing media made such a big deal about it on how a head of state should be more stoic and mature? Well Joe Gaffe (that's Vice-President Biden don't you know?) did the exact same thing and no one from the left has batted an eye, as usual.

Now I know this is much ado about nothing, and I can compare gaffe for gaffe and line for line, between the two administrations, but what will that get us? Besides that theirs is worse than ours? And of course whining and denial from the left? But that's what I do, expose liberal bias and hypocrisy whenever I can. I know there are right-wing hypocrites (and I know who they are) but I'll leave that to some hateful lefty to try and make rhyme and/or reason out of.

So...did you catch this?

Oh, That Joe! (No. 48 in a Series) -- Gimme a Break
March 13, 2009 5:40 PMHuma Khan

At an event at Union Station today where Vice President Joe Biden was heralding the $1.3 billion in investments in rebuilding train stations and passenger rails, a microphone picked up one of the former senator's myriad Senate colleagues addressing him, formally, as "Mr. Vice President."That met with Vice President Biden's standard reply."Gimme a f*&$#ing break," he said, apparently unaware that the microphone was on.


Blogger Adrienne said...

Great post. I especially loved this line. "But that's what I do, expose liberal bias and hypocrisy whenever I can." Awesome.

11:02 am  

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