Friday, April 17, 2009

HuffPo's Bob Cesca is..Just..Out of It

This guy really is a tool. Oh wait, I take that back. Tools are useful.
In his column at the Huffington Post today, Bob Cesca, in all his delusions of grandeur seems to think that the "Tea Partiers" (aka people fed up with government over-spending that will put their children's children into hock) are a bunch of "right-wing extremists." I certainly can't blame him for thinking that way. I mean, did you see all those families of "extremists?" Did you happen to catch a glimpse of all those seven-year-old to 60-year-old "extremists?"

Hey Bob, what about gay rights activists, are they right-wing extremists? How about the blacks that *GULP* didn't vote for Obama, are they right-wing extremists? Is anybody that doesn't follow your re-written history and lefty propaganda a right-wing extremist?
Or are they just ordinary Americans standing up for what they believe in?

In a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black, Mr. Cesca is proudly denouncing the very same hypocritical stances that only five months ago were calling for the impeachment of President Bush because of any number of Republican doctrines or ideals. The war in Iraq, the Patriot Act and so on. I would mention immigration, but where do you think all the Democrats future constituents will come from? (after they ply them with liquor and false promises)

For starters, he says "One of the very bizarre accusations overheard at the tea bag protests (always with the hate, these lefties, especially against their fellow countrymen in stead of the real enemy) Wednesday was that President Obama was somehow a 'fascist." Well, when you attempt to allow your radical friends to go unnoticed with the help of your MSM enablers, and you yourself are kicking reporters off of airplanes because they dare ask a question you don't like, well that may be a little fascistic. As for the accusations of the term, I don't think Obama is a fascist (at least not a full-blown one-not yet, anyways) but he is certainly a Socialist, despite his efforts to "clarify" his remarks to reporters about it. In fact, he wanted to make that point so much, he had to call them back and reiterate his positions, just to be clear. Once again, needing a do-over to get his point across.

And just for the record, Mr Cesca, you can be both a fascist and a communist. It's not ideologically impossible. You have heard of Joseph Stalin, have you not? I mean, he is one of your heroes, isn't he? As for your swipe at the hosts of Fox and Friends, have you heard some of the tripe and fallacies spewing out of the mouths of not only your Vice-President, but your people like Kieth Olberloon, Rachael Madcow and the like? And if you want to compare brainless TV hosts, yeah, how about those bunch of hens on The View? Do you really think Joy Behar is a rocket scientist?

He also says, "I'm expecting too much logic and message coherence from people who spent all of Wednesday protesting against socialism and wealth redistribution while gathered in publicly funded -- dare I say "socialized" -- parks and town squares."

This is called a "swerve," folks. Cesca obviously can't justify or adhere to American citizens exorcising their right of freedom of speech and lawful assembly. But, just because a liberal government seizes the taxpayers hard-earned money to fund their pet projects, it doesn't mean the taxpayers wanted it. I'll bet that if you asked the people for their permission beforehand (and isn't that the way it's supposed to be?) over half would have said, "No, I don't want my tax dollars going to something I will not or may not use."

"I'm not convinced that tea baggers like Michelle Malkin understand that fascism is, in fact, a form of right wing extremism."
Of course you don't. You see, you have to actually know what fascism is yourself before you cut anybody else up about using the term. By the way, nice job of publicy using an oral sex reference in a opinion piece. That's class and professionalism for you.

Fascism: def. "A political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government."
Does the term, "I won" mean anything to you? Does the fact that the president is trying to shut down a prominent private citizen like Rush Limbaugh have any bearing on your (limited) thought process? Do you even consider his statement about "manufacturing cars that are relatively cheap and environmentally-friendly" and " that everybody can afford" Does the term Volkswagen ring a bell? How about a chicken in every pot? Does that sound familiar? Hey, how about that ol' "share the wealth" thing? Damn those personal home recorders, huh?

Cesca also joyously labeled Michelle Malkin, Limbaugh and Glenn Beck as "the usual band of apoplectic brainiacs ."
I guess caring enough about the American public to dare to warn them about a possible economic fate is "apoplectic." There's a reason FOX News kills your MSNBC and CNN doppelgangers every single day, in every single segment according to the ratings, Mr. Cesca. Maybe I'll slowly explain to you how the ratings work sometime, so you and your buddies can at least have half a clue.

And, predictably, the gang who can't seem to decipher basic high school level social studies concepts, kneejerked into one of their paranoid tantrums -- insisting that the report was entirely about them.
Almost right away, the far-right blogs and FOX News Channel were set ablaze with reports that the Obama administration was targeting conservatives with a massive surveillance operation. But here's the thing: the DHS report wasn't about conservatives. The word "conservatives" doesn't appear anywhere in the report.

Of course not. The Obama administration would never have the kohonies to be that honest. But what do you and your liberal friends call conservatives every chance you get (including in this very article?) That's right, good for you. They're called "right-wing extremists". Every time you lefties open your collective mouths on any sort of position you disagree on with conservatives (which is to say everything) the inaccurate insults fly. They're not just wrong, mind you; or even bad, they're "evil right-wing extremists." Every time you libs hurl some undeserved and ultimately ludicris insult at the right, you try to make readers think it's a brand new type of bloodsport, and then, of course, the victim card is rolled out for all to see.

Onward. "Now, when this story first broke, I was at a bit of loss as to how to accurately interpret the right's wildly conspiratorial, victimized reaction. Either Malkin and Beck were just as confused and incoherent as always, and, in their loud noises anti-government rage, they were inadvertently coupling themselves with right wing extremists," Cesca said.

I won't even touch the "conspiratorial" comment, but as for the "loud noises anti-government rage" crap; I do believe that's all you lefties have been advocating and shouting about for the last eight years. No matter what Bush did to appease you, you turned on him like a hungry pitbull every single chance you got, heck you guys even made up a slew of charges. Remember "Rather Gate?" "Or they not-so-subtly admitted that there isn't much difference between a garden variety conservative, a garden variety wingnut and a garden variety right wing extremist -- that they're all basically militant racists who are plotting to blow up federal buildings. I don't know."

And you want to talk about victimization? Are you kidding me? I don't think there's enough room here on blogger to list even a third of how lefties use any event or position to rally the troops under the flag of "victimhood." Everybody from John Edwards (cheating on his cancer-stricken wife, then claiming "victim!") to Hillary Clinton and Barney Frank blaming the non-existent "vast right-wing conspiracy" or Republican "attack machine" for their malfeasance. Please.

Embellish much? Or is it just more lefty projection, I don't know which. By the way, what's with you libs and your dependency on Timothy McViegh as, apparently, your only Is that the only "right wing extremist" that you can up with that was actually guilty of domestic terror? It was over 14 years ago and he's still the only example you can use? Hmm, I notice you didn't mention William Ayres. Then again, since you guys tune out every time his name is brought up, I guess you probably don't even know who he is. The fact that you compared him to patriotic citizens who actually do love their country is irrisponsible, unprofessional and disgusting!

And this one's a doozie:
There's one thing we know for sure, however: they're definitely freaked out about the government's post-9/11 intelligence apparatus -- the very same bureaucracy they actively and vocally cheerled throughout the Bush years. Malkin, in particular, was one of the most outspoken and cheerleadery endorsements of allowing unchecked executive power via the vice president's office, the NSA, the CIA and the military, while encouraging these agencies to use any means necessary to smoke out the evildoers. This included illegal wiretapping, rendition, suspension of habeas rights and every awful provision found within the USA PATRIOT Act.

I don't know where to start on this balderdash. First off, there's nothing to be freaked out about since, as news reports say, "there's nothing new in this report" and "Obama will not seek criminal charges against anyone in the former administration over this "finding." Not that there was any danger of it anyway, because it was A) not "domestic spying" as you and your MSM cronies like to call it, because they're not "spying" on Americans, they're keeping tabs on calls to/from the Middle East that may have terrorist connections. And B) this old liberal claim that this was "illegal wire-tapping" was voted on and o.k'd by the Senate. Much like the power to go to war, the U.S. Senate gave President Bush the legal authority to do so, Mr. Sour Grapes. So you libs can stop that B.S. anytime now.

Rendition was implemented by Bill Clinton by the way. Another reason you should crack a history book or two. You mention suspension of "Habeas Rights." Is this the same "Habeas Rights" that your new president gave to non-U.S. citizens, that are enemy combatants caught in the field of battle trying to kill Americans? The same enemy combatants that will now, because of these rights, be tried in American courts of law? Seriously dude, get a grip!

And of course, the famous liberal race-card tactic:

That could be the clincher, though. The far-right outrage might have something to do with skin color.
In 2005, the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project
reported that as many as 60 white-right-wing terrorist attacks were thwarted by law enforcement in the ten year span following the Oklahoma City bombing which, by the way, was also perpetrated by an American right wing extremist with boy-next-door white skin.

There's that McVeigh reference again. Wow, this guy is on a roll.

See? Nevermind the fact that the left always (14 years and counting) brings up Timothy McVeigh as their one lone "white-skinned terrorist" They also try to claim that he was a Christian, but real Christians (and real Muslims for that matter) don't blow up innocent women and children. So, nice try. You can cease that bologna anytime, too.

Then Cesca tries to quote a left-wing blogger, that this guy himself got from U.S. News and World Report (a notorius left-wing publication-Surprise!) that he thinks proves his point:

"The plots, all foiled by law enforcement, reportedly included violent plans by antigovernment militia groups, racist skinhead organizations, and Ku Klux Klan members to use various types of chemical bombs and other weapons."

Where in that paragraph does it mention "right-wing?" How does Cesca know what hate and terrorist group constitutes "right-wing?" How does the U.S. News and World Report know for that matter?

Oh yeah, did you notice how Cesca labeled web sites that expose The Fifth Column in American universities, terrorist fronts that pose as Islamic diversity sites as "wingnutty websites?" He calls them "an ongoing feargasm intended to incite more wars and cultural intolerance."
Or maybe they're for what we on the right call a reality check. Fear-mongering, hate towards Muslims. Yep. 'Cause it was a boyscout troop that flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Oops. There goes another "right-wing extremist" mentioning 9/11 again. I know how you lefties would like to forget about that so you can concentrate on how evil conservatives are and how they want to destroy America. You see, when a terrorist attack happens again, it will be you lefties and haters of all liberty that will blame the Republicans for "forcing them to hate us," while the rest of the country says in unison, "The Democrats caused this due to their filibustering and softness on terror." It keeps getting repeated, because it's true. And you know it. You just disguise it as "hate" and "intolerance" to shield the Democrats' incompetence as a governing body.

And Cesca goes on about how Glenn Beck, Malkin and Limbaugh are all to blame for every ill in our society. Well, pretty much.

I could go on for hours exposing this guy's lunacy and total disregard of history and his own party's hypocrisy and double standard, but I'm tired and I still have to finish another post on another blog.

Did I mention this guy is a useless tool?



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